Ladies ...

A sincere inquiry ...

Let's say you meet a man ... and there is some shared generational history between the two of you ... and you work in similar fields.

He has some recognition in the field and seemingly sincerely would like to help you advance and grow.

He suggests that one thing you could do to help grow your social media following, is to publish more sexually provocative material?

What do you now think of this man?

Admittedly my personal opinion is that such behavior is disgusting.

Especially in the context of spiritual or health work ...

Sex and money are two resources and experiences that I do not wish to demonize, but also acknowledge spiritually, they are milestones to be passed on the spiritual journey; not capitalized upon.

Though perhaps Colonizer Joe has some different ideas for what the ideal modern spirit might be ... he is a doctor after all :/

The only reason I've created this website, is because I met another individual Colonizer Joe attempted to swindle -- this person refused to work with Colonizer Joe.

Though this person did not have the agency to do anything other than negate Colonizer Joe's advances.

Ergo, my inquiry to you.

Perhaps it should be noted that Colonizer Joe's grand-father was more or less a slave owner of sorts ... and the people Colonizer Joe is preying upon are the same people his grandfather and those before them, spent their lives enslaving.

And in Colonizer Joe's grand-spiritual wisdom to cleanse his ancestral timeline from such disgusting behavior ... he suggests that you post sexually provocative social media posts to garner and grow your personal brand ...

You're right to presume that I've left out many details, but you get the gist and there's not too much important that I'm leaving out ... that should be made so public ... this is suffient information to ask the question and obtain a sufficiently robust reply ...

Whatcha think? Is he the type of person you would feel comfortable working with?

To advance your spiritual journey?